S.A. GRIFFIN god, a night light in eternity there from the beginning at last the tease of infinity grins Everything Is All Right In Time Even Death 100 miles per hour to nowhere point blank verse pain heaped upon pain thru addiction or just simply being available to the process the march & mulch of war burgers & fries obsessive sex the opiates of religion whatever it is it will get us all in the end pick your poison well live for it blossom & burn inside the sacred unfolding of the laughing rose even the sun will lose its hair & go blind 2004 S.A. Griffin S.A. Griffin is the author of Unborn Again (Phony Lid), A One Legged Man Standing Casually On Hollywood Blvd. Smoking A Cigarette (1989, Shelf Life Press), Heaven Is One Long Naked Dance (1993, Rose of Sharon Press), Twisted Cadillac: A Spoken Word Odyssey (with The Carma Bums, 1996, Sacred Beverage Press) and Co-Editor of The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry (1999, Thunder’s Mouth Press). |
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